Tuesday, 26 September 2017

What a Way to Start

On the road to Roncevalles
It is 2:30, I have been on the road since 8am and I have made it to Val Carlos - 7 km - All up hill.  This is not working as I had hoped.  It could only be worse on the Napoleon Route.  I may be short, and be of French heritage, somewhere along the line, but I don't have an army behind me and I  am not that much of a masochist.

I am not what language they speak here:  it could be French., Spanish and the outside chance of Basque.  Maybe all three at the same time which would make it something like Chiac.

 It is also pissing down rain.  I am taking a taxi the rest of the way to be reunited with my dry clothes . 


  1. Love reading of your adventure. I am living vicariously through you at this time. Dry yourself off...smile...Enjoy a nice hot stiff drink and keep on trucking.
    Looking forward to your next blog/post.

  2. Ah sweetie, don't be defeated. Getting there was half the battle! Get into some dry clothes and have a nice warm drink, get yourself a good sleep and better weather tomorrow :D

  3. Much probably it was the mix of the 3 languages. And a lot of Basque with French accent and some Spanish words every now and then
