Tuesday, 31 October 2017

AHhhhhhh - The morning after the morning after in Santiago

October 30, 2017
Towels, my own bathroom     and a certificate.  I'm happy.  And I am not at the mercy of that taxi driver.

The morning after the morning after in Santiago
In every account of the video accounts of people walking the Camino the pilgrims always through a short tunnel and there is always this same bagpiper playing.   As soon as I heard the bagpipes I knew I had finally made it.
I also found that it was almost impossible to walk across the square without coming across some one (and probably several people ) that you have met somewhere on the journey.
The square was full of people, some where dancing, others singing and some just lying on the cobblestones propped up against their backpacks looking up at the Cathedral.
We got our certificates and I finally mailed the postcards that had been riding around in my backpack since Pamplona.
Spain is a late night country.  It really doesn't even start to come alive until 9pm and things really don't rock and roll until midnight. MeanwhIle I was tucked into my albergue on Saturday night sleeping off a long day, a great dinner and a generous amount of Sangria when I was woken by what sounded like a football riot in the streets.  This did not let up for four hous and, apparently this is a typical Saturday night in the old city.
And I thought I was a night owl.
Now nighty night for me.
Love you.

Oct. 30 - Three Amigos say Goodbye in Finesterre - This is a time of mixed emotions for our trio. They have made it to the end of their journey together. They have shared the joy of comradeship, the trials of the trail, the pains collected along the way, the feeling of accomplishment, then they must say goodbye and return to their 'normal lives'.
Oct. 28 - Yo sure enough - a Spanish Piper - Enough said, Bagpipes are not my favourite.
Oct 30 - Leslie Made it to Fisterra - Hardly looking bedraggled, but relieved, in a way, that she does not have to pack up and walk another twenty kilometers today.
Oct. 30 - The Sun Sets ovet the Atlantic from Finesterre - What a way to say good bye to Leslie as she heads back to our busy world of buses, trains, and planes on her way back home to provide pats and scruffs to her kitties. Good luck Leslie and "Thanks for sharing your adventure with all of us."

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